Green Building Accreditation

Passive House

The Passive House standard is equally applicable to commercial buildings as it is to residential buildings, and any climate type. The simple nature of the Passive House Standard means that certification costs are likely to be less than Green Star.

The high levels of thermal performance mean that HVAC plant can be significantly reduced in size and simplified, creating large maintenance and operational cost savings over a building’s life cycle.

Detail Green provide both Passive House Consultancy and Certification services to this stringent international standard.

Green Star

The industry standard for high quality commercial buildings.

Detail Green have Green Star Accredited Professionals, experience in design to the Green Star rating tool and certification for both office and education buildings.


The NABERS rating tools are now the industry standard for measuring environmental performance of operational commercial buildings to a benchmarked national level of performance.

Detail Green are accredited NABERS Assessors.